Take a little break… Trust Me

Karla Rodriguez
4 min readJan 23, 2019

After a little more than a week, I started training again. Why were you not training? That is the question a lot of you will be quick to ask. At first, I kept making excuses, but at the same time even though I have been happy, I also had to work on getting rid of negative energy.

The negative energy that got thrown on my shoulders. The negative energy that made me question whether or not I am able. Whether or not I am able to keep moving forward to my dream and other goals. The negative energy that makes you want to isolate yourself. That negative energy that can be so hard to get rid of.

We deal with it every day. We may happen to be around someone we do not know and somehow that energy gets transferred over to you.

Work on fighting that. Not easy, but there is always a way.

My coach messaged me a few times to check in on me to see how I was doing. He said, “No pressure, just wanted to make sure you are ok.” He was asking if I was going to be working out on those days. Automatically I felt that negative energy going away. I started to reflect on how to get rid of that and start to create more positive energy. Those people that you are not with all the time, but are truly there. Be grateful. Just be grateful for them and tell them whenever you get a chance. When they hear those words from you will definitely make their day better. So not only did you make their day a positive one, you also can smile and be happy about that fact that you did have that ability for them. All positive vibes there!

You should all know that there is someone who may not be your closest friend, or the person that you see every day, but there is definitely someone there who truly cares.

Another way to create positive energy is to do something that nobody else will see you doing. For example, I was at home this weekend, and I turned up the music! I put that salsa, bachata, and just danced while cleaning. I know that sounds ridiculous, but nobody else sees me looking ridiculous in pijamas, dancing to salsa music, while washing the dishes.

I guess you know a little secret of mine now, but I would love it if you found something that feels so silly that when nobody is watching you let it out. You let any bad feeling that you have inside just come out in a positive way. There are no worries that someone will see you and judge you for it. You can just be you and not have a care in the world for those few minutes.

Yes, most of you do know that I love dancing. It’s engraved in my soul, but the dancing that happens is not the good one. It is just random movements that you can say I became familiar with while taking an improv class back in college.

You get my point…

So back to not training. I feel good. The hard part to admit, is that sometimes you do need a little time away from doing too much of what you love to do. Another part of getting healthy is to take care of your mental health. Our physical health is so important, but our Mental Health is just as important if not more.

Our brain needs a break from so much stimulation. From being on the computer or phone all day. From running from one job to another, or errand to errand. Having to wake up really early to take the kids to school, go to work, get out of work, pick up the kids… No physical break, but DEFINITELY no Mental brake. Our lives here in the U.S. consist of thinking what is next on the list and how we can make everything fit into one day.

That is basically how I live my life at the moment, and taking all last week to take a little mental break between jobs was phenomenal. After speaking with Coach David, he helped me realize that most of us don’t think about taking that break. We just want to go, go, go.

I had my break from training, and have had time to create as much positive energy as my body and mind will allow.

I went to the gym with so much positivity. I would have been happy if coach would have chosen to come up with a “killer” workout. He didn’t, but still…

Remember, get rid of as much negative energy as you can and come up with ways to turn that around and make it a positive situation.

Take a Break.

Take care of yourself.

You’ll be happier

Trust Me

1st Day Back Training 01/22/2019



Karla Rodriguez

To share past experiences, and also make the Taboo subject of mental health and better physical health in the Hispanic Community. Empath who is still learning.